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Kontakt zum Sporthotel

Say Hello to Sports Hotel Hit the Sky

Nice to meet you

Tel. +43 5446 42 811

The Zebra always says: “Only those who ask, get ahead in life.” And since the Zebra is usually right, we’re always open to any questions or feedback you may have. Simply give us a call on the number above or send us a message using the contact form below.

Your questions. Our answers.

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Your way to Hit the Sky:

Looking for the Zebra? You can’t miss him! You’ll find him at Sankt Christoph am Arlberg – at 1,800 meters above sea level where the sky is within reach. Ready to join us for a wild snow-cation? Then ski on over!

Hit the Sky | Sports hotel
A-6580 St. Christoph am Arlberg
St. Christoph 6
St. Anton | Tyrol | Austria

Tel. +43 5446 42 811
E-Mail: hello@hit-the-sky.at

Hit the Sky Sporthotel Skihotel St. Anton am Arlberg Tirol Anreise Kontakt

Look forward to a skiing holiday right on the slopes in St Christoph am Arlberg.